You love your home, but it’s lacking those finishing touches that elevate a run-of-the-mill space to a masterpiece of interior design.  Sure, you could hire a flashy and expensive interior designer to help you address your drab domicile. But that’s a lot of work. And results may vary.

A more sensible option is to make like the masses and consult our 10 Clever Interior Design Hacks and begin to level-up your home decor.  

  1. Floors aren’t just for walking. Are your floors barren? Bare? Bereft of an interior designer’s touch. Rugs can bring the most-bland décor alive by adding a splash of color or texture. Be bold and choose complementary colors or patterns.

  2. Reflect your style. Borrowing a page from the interior designer’s playbook, a mirror—or collage of mirrors—can do wonders for a smaller space. Strategically placing your mirror across from a source of natural light will not only brighten your space but give the impression it’s roomier as well.

  3. Interior designers in-the-know have been gravitating towards using pendant lights and chandeliers in non-traditional spaces. Pendant lights are most often found in kitchens and chandeliers in dining rooms—but all that’s changing. Bring a true interior design aesthetic to any living area by using pendant lights to add height or a chandelier to add a dramatic contrast.

  4. Table lamps come in a dizzying array of styles, sizes, and textures. It’s important when choosing a table lamp to pick the right size. A good rule of thumb is that the lamp should be no more than ½ times the height of the table it sits on. Don’t eyeball it. Make like an interior design professional and take measurements.

  5. If you’re looking to level-up your living room, try adding a sofa or accent chairs that contrast with your space. For example, if your walls have a neutral palette, try adding furniture with a splash of color. Conversely, if the walls are bright, try a muted complementary color for your chairs and sofa. This simple interior design hack will surely elevate your space.

  6. Contemporary wall art and décor make a statement. This interior design hack seems intuitive, but we’re not talking a framed poster of a Lamborghini or the Sopranos. This is the time to be bold. Choose a statement piece from our selection and let your inner interior designer shine through.

  7. Clocks – No, not a mere time-telling device. You can go grab one of those at your local big-box retailer and only spend a couple bones. To take your room to the next level, you’ll want a clock that not only tells time but tells a story—your story.

  8. It’s time to go green. Enhance your space with a few plants and flowers. You’ll brighten your space and add contrast by bringing the outside in. Do you hate caring for plants? Choose life-like artificial botanicals to achieve the same interior design effect.

  9. Tables – When choosing a coffee table or accent tables, it’s important to take note of your room size and the table size. You don’t want to pick a table that takes up too much space or conversely looks like dollhouse furniture in a big room. Your best bet is to take measurements and write them down to judge the overall scale. Once you have the size and shape sorted, then pick materials that compliment your overall design.

  10. Adding a bench to an entryway or against a wall, perhaps under a collage of mirrors or a clock, gives your space a finished look. This old interior design hack has withstood the test of time for one reason—it works.

There you have our 10 Clever Interior Design Hacks to elevate your living area to living art.